
How it works

How does Promptus generate artwork?


Original Prompt Image

The user inputs a prompt, which is an initial description or idea for the image they want to generate. This could be anything from a few words to a more detailed paragraph.


AI Generated Prompt

The user's prompt is then passed through a language model, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human language. The language model generates a new prompt based on the user's input, using its understanding of language and context to suggest improvements or alternative interpretations of the prompt.


Promptus Generated Image and Prompt

Promptus takes the new, AI-generated prompt and generates an image based on that prompt using a variety of AI models and techniques. This step involves processing the prompt through multiple models, including generators and samplers, to create a unique image that matches the prompt as closely as possible. The resulting image and prompt are displayed to the user, who can choose to continue generating more images or save the current one.


Final Image Generation

After the user has selected the image they want to save, the final step involves generating a high-resolution version of the image. This step may involve additional processing or refinement to improve the quality of the image, depending on the specific settings chosen by the user. The final image is then presented to the user for download or sharing.